Thursday, June 23, 2011

Good News!

I finally have some good news to share.

No, not all 40 eggs that were retrieved were fertilized. Just 32. :)

I had the hugest smile on my face when my doctor called to tell me the good news. When I've read things online about other people going through IVF, it looks like the average eggs retrieved is about 12-15. I can't believe that we had 40, and now 32 that are actually possible kids.

The plan now is to grow them until Saturday, and then re-check them to see which ones are the best. Even if only half of them made it to freezing, we'd still have 16. And that is completely amazing. I'm feeling a ton better today after a really rough night, so things are really looking up.

We also got amazing news that Mr. Bee has a 2nd interview for a job he really, really wants, and just got the call today, so our day has been filled with good news. Nothing is set in stone (on either front), but just to know we're finally going in the right direction is making life so much easier.

Things are crazy and good. We talked about how much we've been blessed. Even a week ago we had no idea that our life would be where it is today. I've been trying to trust in God's timing and path for us, and it looks like it really is always perfect.


  1. Oh my goodness this post definitely made me tear up!! I am so so happy that you got LOTS of good news yesterday!! 32/40 eggs is amazing!!!! How exciting about the 2nd interview?! That is awesome!! Hope things stay so happy and positive for you guys!! Fingers crossed for the best of luck!!!

    Hope you and your husband have a fabulous weekend!!

  2. What an exciting week! I see really wonderful things on the horizon for you. :)

  3. YAY!!! that's really exciting. Keeping fingers crossed for both of you :)

  4. OMG this is all amazing news. I hope you get knocked up soon lady!!!!!
